Illuminare — Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Art (KU Leuven) is located in the Central Library of the University of Leuven. It is a university research and documentation centre, accessible for academics and students. The research of Illuminare is founded upon reception history and the contextual meaning of Early Netherlandish Art; technical research, conservation and cataloging of illuminated manuscripts and the iconology of the Middle Ages from an interdisciplinary perspective (Iconology Research Group). Research is made possible under the auspices of research and doctoral projects.
Visit websiteThe KIK-IRPA is a federal scientific institute responsible for the documentation, study and conservation-restoration of the cultural and artistic heritage of our country.
Art historians, photographers, chemists, archaeologists, engineers and conservator-restorers carry out interdisciplinary research on the materials and techniques used in works of art and cultural artefacts and on the materials and methods used in conservation-restoration.
The KIK-IRPA is a unique resource for scientific, photographic and technical documentation of the cultural heritage of the country. More information
Visit websiteAntwerp, Belgium
The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp is a public institution of the Government of Flanders and the only Flemish museum with a scientific status. The principal missions of the KMSKA are the maintenance, management and expansion of the collection; the scientific study of the collection and the enhancement of its accessibility; the organisation of exhibitions and the development of public engagement activities. The KMSKA subscribes to the Statutes of ICOM, the International Council of Museums. Thanks to its exceptional collection, the KMSKA is a museum of international stature.
Collection database online
Curator sculpture collection: Valerie Herremans
Leuven, Belgium
The M-collection presents the story of Leuven as told by the arts. M exhibits classical and modern art inspired by the multifacetedness of Leuven. Its own collection primarily focuses on art produced in Leuven and Brabant from the Middle Ages to the 19th century.
The City of Leuven’s art collection can be admired in various places. The majority, however, is exhibited in the permanent collection and the depots of M in the Vanderkelenstraat. The Treasury of Saint Peter’s also houses numerous gems.
Visit websiteThe works of the late-medieval sculptor the ‘Master of Elsloo' in Belgian ownership: art-historical and technical research in an international perspe
Promoter: Christina Ceulemans
Project within the framework of the research campaign Stimulation of Research in the Federal Scientific Institutes (Action 1) - 2010-2011
The project consists of a technical and art-historical study of the works of the late medieval wood sculptor the Master of Elsloo. Few late-medieval sculptors have been attributed such an extensive oeuvre as the Master of Elsloo, whose conventional name derives from a Virgin and Child with Saint Anne from the St. Augustine Church of Elsloo, a sculpture which in the nineteenth century was still listed in the inventory of the Munster Church in Roermond. Almost 200 works of the Master have been identified, around 70 of which are in Belgium, mainly in the province of Limburg. His other works are found in the Netherlands and Germany, in the region that is currently referred to as the Euregio Maas-Rijn. In some important foreign museums, The Master of Elsloo is represented as well.
The aim of this study, set up within the framework of an ambitious three-part international collaboration project (Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany), is to draw up a survey on the Elsloo-works. With its photographic inventory and expertise in the domaine, IRPA/KIK is the logical choice for conducting the Belgian component. By means of art-historical, technical and archival research, we aim to gain insights into the production and workshop of the Master, as well as in similar workshops. One particularly interesting aspect will be the dendrochronological research.
Brussels, Belgium
One of the ways in which the City Museum actively pursues its priority public-service missions, i.e. scientific study, conservation and enrichment of Brussels’ heritage and the showcasing of this heritage to best advantage for the benefit of the general public, is by staging temporary exhibitions in the main hall on the top floor, aimed at creating links between the past and our present. On the ground floor the City of Brussels Museum presents an overview of Brussels’ arts: sculptures and monuments from sites and places of interest in Brussels dating from the 13th to the 19th century, pewterware and earthenware, silverware and pieces of porcelain, not to mention tapestries from the 16th to the 18th century and altarpieces (15th to 16th century).
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