
ARDS. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sculpture is a scientific book series that will publish current research in medieval and Renaissance sculpture, edited by ARDS. The series is a collaboration between ARDS and Brepols Publishers


Borman in Context. 6th Annual Ards Conference. Postprints (publication date 2025).

The Afterlife of Medieval Sculpture. 7th Annual Ards Conference. Postprints (publication date tba).

Alabaster as a Material for Medieval and Renaissance Sculpture. 8th Annual Ards Conference. Postprints (publication date 2025).

The Art of Devotion. The Agency of Sculpture. 9th Annual Ards Conference. Postprints (publication date tba).

Beyond the Alps. Artistic Exchanges between the Low Countries and Italy in Medieval and Renaissance Sculpture. 10th Annual Ards Conference. Postprints (publication date tba).

Mixed Media. Sculptural Ensembles in Medieval and Renaissance Europe.
11th Ards Annual Conference. Postprints (publication date tba).