On Monday June 17th 2019, Ards and the BonnefantenMuseum Maastricht invite the Ards-network for an expert meeting, which will focus on the researchproject concerning the Master of Elsloo and the question of connoisseurship regarding medieval sculpture. The program will feature lectures as well as a visit and discussion in the exhibition rooms of 'The Master of Elsloo' exhibition. Speakers include Lars Hendrikman (Curator Bonnefantenmuseum), John Van Cautheren (Curator Gemeentemuseum Weert), Marjan Debaene (Head of Collections M - Museum Leuven).
10:30-11:00 coffee and registration
11:00-11:10 welcome/ introduction to the exhibition: Lars Hendrikman
11:10-12:30 tour in the exhibition rooms ‘The Master of Elsloo’
12:30-13:30 lunch
13:30-15:00 presentations, proceedings of ongoing research & discussions
15:00-15:30 coffee break
15:30-16:30 tour and discussions in the exhibition rooms ‘The Master of Elsloo’
16:30-17:30 closing remarks and reception
17:30 end of programme
Location: Bonnefantenmuseum, Avenue Céramique 250, NL-6221 KX Maastricht
Apart from the tours in the exhibition rooms, all events will take please in ‘Studio Rossi’.
Registration is now closed.